261. 甩卖 clearance sale
262. 公益广告 public-interest advertisement
263. 让利 offer discounts
264. 出国热 craze for going abroad
265. 社会福利制度 the social welfare system
266. 享受公费医疗 enjoy public health care
267. 世界卫生组织 World Health Organization (WHO)
268. 黄昏恋 twilight love
269. 贺岁片 New Year film
270. 记者招待会 press/ news conference
271. 卖淫嫖娼 prostitute oneself and visit prostitutes
272. 制造假钞 make the false notes
273. 吸毒者 a drug addict
274. 出售黄色录像 sell obscene video tapes
275.传销 pyramid-selling; multi-level marketing
276. 温室效应 green-house effect
277. 沙漠化 desertification
278. 过度放牧 overgrazing
279. 过度捕鱼 over-fishing
280. 滥砍乱伐 clear-cutting
281. 退耕还林 return cultivated land to forest
282. 沙尘暴 sand storm
283. 生态危机 ecological forest
284. 破坏生态平衡 destroy / upset the ecological balance
285. 自然保护区 nature reserve
286. 环境绿化 environmental greening
287. 禽流感 bird flu
288. 疯牛病 mad cow disease/ BSE
289. 口蹄疫 foot-and-mouth disease
290. 非典 severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS)