“Vice” 是一个英语前缀,来源于拉丁语,意为“副”或“代替”。在英语中,“vice” 作为前缀的用法主要有以下几种,一起来看看吧。
1. 表示“副”或“代替”,如:
- Vice president:副总裁
- Vice principal:副校长
- Viceroy:副王、副总督
2. 表示“不良”或“罪恶”,如:
- Vices:恶习
- Vicious:恶毒的
- Vice-ridden:罪恶重重的
3. 其他含义,如:
- Vice grip:台钳,用于固定、夹紧工件的机械装置
- Vice versa:反之,指事物的反面或相反的情况
以下是一些包含 “vice” 的例句:
1. The vice president will attend the meeting in the president‘s absence. 副总裁将在总统缺席的情况下出席会议。
2. The school has a strict policy against vices such as smoking and drinking. 学校有严格的政策禁止不良习惯,如吸烟和喝酒。
3. In his early years, he was vice-ridden and engaged in many illegal activities. 在他早年,他恶习缠身,参与了许多非法活动。
4. The vise grip is a useful tool for holding objects in place while working on them. 台钳是一种在操作过程中固定物体位置的有用工具。
5. Some people believe that success and failure are interrelated, that is, success in one area may lead to failure in another, and vice versa. 有些人认为成功和失败是相互关联的,即在一个领域的成功可能导致另一个领域的失败,反之亦然。